Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So..if I don t call you,
then you are never going to call me right?

I told you I will not call you anymore and that if you want send me
an sms or an e-mail or come by the bar,but you did nothing.

So,it makes me wonder if you really want to see me and like me,
or you just help me because it fits you. Since I help you with things,
take you to places,pay for things, make you presents (like the book) etc.

But seems that now you have G. for everything and R. to take
you to places,you are ok and you no longer need me.

I really don t know what to think.

As for the Erasmus students,maybe after all its not their fault to
behave like that...look at me for example,who tried enough to hang
around with you and understand you, but you also push ME away...

Anyway. Hope you are ok.
Because I really like you and care for you.
Even if you don t want to see me,never message me,never call me,
never come to the bar,leave me suddenly alone at cafes etc....

1 comment:

Compiler said...

The tittle fits just right.

Hard to make a comment reading only this post for a situation that is described, but leaving someone suddenly alone in a cafe or anywhere in a public place (for me at least) is unacceptable.